Create Text Box Link In Word For Mac

Step 1, Open Microsoft Word. Double-click a Word document that you want to edit, or double-click the Word app icon and click Blank document to open a new document. On the Mac version of Microsoft Word, you may not need to click Blank document.Step 2, Click Insert. It's a tab in the blue ribbon that's at the top of the Word window. The Insert toolbar will appear.Step 3, Click Text Box. This option is in the 'Text' section of the Insert toolbar. A drop-down menu will appear.

Free text apps for computer. The company I work for relies on Microsoft Word templates to create all sorts of documents, from one-page letters to reports several hundred pages long. The templates allow us to ensure all the documents we send to clients and partners share a similar look and feel.

Create text box link in word for macroPublisher

One of the most-used templates in our collection is a multipage letter that shows the date on the top of the first page, just under the company logo, as well as in the header of subsequent pages. Unfortunately, the letters are usually composed several days before they're sent, and the send date often shifts. In addition, the letters are sometimes sent on dates other than the official 'sent' date.

That's why we can't add a field to the letters that displays the current date. While authors usually remember to change the date on the letter's first page, they almost always forget to make the same change to the date in the header of following pages. The solution was to add a text form field to the first page of the letter that authors use to enter the letter's send date and then to place a cross-reference to the text field in the header of subsequent pages. Word form fields make it easy to repeat text It's actually easier to enter text once and have it repeat elsewhere in Word 2003 documents than it is to do the same thing in Word 2007 and 2010. That's because Microsoft made it more difficult to access the text form field button in the more-recent versions of Word. All in the name of ergonomics, I'm sure.

Format Text Box In Word

In Word 2003, open the template you want to add the repeating text to. Make sure the Forms toolbar is visible by clicking View > Toolbars > Forms. Next, place the cursor where you want the repeating text to appear and choose the text form field button on the Forms toolbar. (It's the 'ab' button on the far left of the toolbar.) Add a text form field to a Word 2003 document by clicking the 'ab' button on the Forms toolbar. Microsoft A gray box appears with five small circles side-by-side. Click in the box to add short, descriptive text, such as 'Enter send date.' Double-click the box to open the Text Form Field Options dialog box.

The people using the template will enter the text they want to repeat in the 'Default text' box. For now, keep that field blank, but enter a short, descriptive text string in the Bookmarks field at the bottom left of the dialog box (no spaces or punctuation allowed). When you're done, click OK to close the dialog and return to the template. Add a text form field in your Word template to allow authors to add text that repeats elsewhere in the document.